Explore real benefits when you lease your next car with Cavender Auto Group.
When it comes to financing your next vehicle purchase, It’s important to know you have options. But year after year, more drivers are choosing to lease their cars over buying them outright — and it’s easy to understand why: you simply get more for less.
Leasing a car is the best way to keep your monthly payments low while getting behind the wheel of something new.
You can get short leasing terms, extend your term, or even trade the car in early — we like to keep things flexible!
One of the best parts about leasing is that there are few (if any) maintenance costs associated with driving the vehicle. Everything is taken care of and included at the dealership.
Depending on the state of the market, some car owners can end up with negative equity on their auto loans, which means the current value of their vehicle is less than what they owe to their car loan. This isn’t an ideal situation to be in, but due to many factors (often out of your control), it does happen, and it can feel like a black cloud looming over your finances, credit score, and life. A common way to get out of negative equity is to trade in your current vehicle for a leased vehicle. This not only gets you out of the red on your investment, but it also helps rebuild credit as you make manageable monthly payments. It’s just another reason more drivers are putting their trust in the stability and flexibility of leasing their vehicles.
Affordable, flexible, and convenient: get all this and more when you lease a new car with Cavender Auto Group — because all of your car-buying decisions should be this confident. Get started by browsing our inventory of new vehicles from Ford, Buick, Cadillac, Land Rover, Jaguar, GMC, Chevrolet, and Nissan vehicles for sale in the San Antonio area today!